Passed Exam 740: Installation, Storage and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Posted in Certifications
My way of preparation.
- Schedule exam – Give yourself 4 to 6 weeks from now but schedule TODAY!
- Collect your resources.
a) I used a Pluralsight course by Greg Shields and Mike Pfeiffer.
Pluralsight 740 course
b) Build a test lab at home.
c) Use Practice test from MindHub
d) Use Exam Reference book from Microsoft - Plan those 4-6 weeks wisely. See my schedule below:
First Weekend – collect resources and build a lab.
First – Third Week – listen to Pluralsight Videos on 1.5 speed all the time!
Every Weekend (day off) – listen on normal speed and do all relevant labs.
Fourth Week – Read Exam Ref book. Skimm chapters what you are comfortable with. Focus on those paragraphs you are unsure with, or you don’t grasp technology yet.
Fifth Weekend or last week – Practice with tests from MindHub and review or missing knowledge highlighted by those practise tests.